GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. The name of the Society is: Polskie Stowarzyszenie Trychologiczne, hereinafter referred to as the Association. 2. The seat of the Society is Mrocza ul. Zwycięstwa 28/1. The area of operation is the Republic of Poland. 3. In order to achieve its statutory objectives, the Societymay operate in other countries
respecting local law. 4. The Society is established for an unlimited period. It has legal personality. It operates on the basis of the provisions of the Act of 7 April 1989 Law on Societies (Journal of Laws of 2001, No. 79, item 855, as amended), this statute and generally applicable regulations. 5. The Society may belong to other national and international organizations with similar goals. 6. The activity of the Society is based primarily on the voluntary work of its members. The Society may employ employees to conduct its business. 7. The Society conducts free and paid public benefit activities. 8. Revenue from paid public benefit activities is used only for public benefit activities. CHAPTER II
OBJECTIVES AND MEASURES 1. The aim of the Society is: a) developing knowledge and raising the scientific level and professional qualifications of the members of the Society.
b) shaping social and ethical attitudes of members
c) creating a positive image of cosmetic trichologists
d) works related to the development of cosmetic trichology in Poland as a new profession.
e) providing assistance in solving problems of members of the Association
f) representing the association
g) conducting media and popularizing activities 2. The Society pursues its goals through: a) organizing conventions, conferences, training sessions and scientific meetings, congresses
b) promoting trichological knowledge in an environment with similar goals and tasks
c) organizing trainings, meetings, educational presentations,
d) granting certificates for members of the Society
e) patronage over industry events consistent with the objectives of theSociety
f) publication of works and materials related to trichology and publishing a trade magazine
g) contacts with the mass media in order to popularize trichological knowledge
h) cooperation and exchange of experience with international organizations with similar goals and tasks
i) establishing specialist facilities, CHAPTER III
MEMBERS – RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS 1. Natural and legal persons may be members of the Society. The association has members:
a) ordinary,
b) supporting,
c) honorary. 2. An ordinary member of the Society may be any natural person who:
submits a membership declaration in writing or in electronic form, undertakes to systematically pay contributions and work for the Society. 3. One becomes an ordinary member after submitting a written declaration and after positive verification carried out by the Board of the Society in the form of a resolution. 4. The founders of the Society become ordinary members – upon entering the Society into the National Court Register. 5. A supporting member of the Society may be a natural or legal person declaring financial, material or substantive assistance in achieving the objectives of the Society. 6. A supporting member becomes a member after submitting a written declaration, based on a resolution of the Management Board. 7. An honorary member of the Society may be a natural or legal person who has made an outstanding contribution to the activities and development of the Society. 8. Honorary members are accepted by the Management Board. Honorary members are appointed for an indefinite period of time and may be dismissed by the Management Board 9. Ordinary members have the right to:
a) passive and active participation in elections to the authorities of the Society,
b) use the achievements, property and all forms of the Society’s activities,
c) participate in meetings, lectures and events organized by the Society,
d) submit motions regarding the activities of the Society.
10. Ordinary members are obliged to:
a) participate in the activities of the Society and achieve its goals,
b) comply with the Statute and resolutions of the Society’s authorities,
c) regular payment of contributions in the amount determined by the General Meeting of Members. 11. Supporting and honorary members do not have passive and active electoral rights, but they may participate with an advisory vote in the statutory authorities of the Society, besides they have the same rights as ordinary members. 12. Obligations of supporting and honorary members:
a) The supporting member is obliged to fulfill the declared benefits, comply with the Statute and resolutions of the Society’s authorities.
b) An honorary member is obliged to comply with the Statute and resolutions of the Society’s authorities.
c) Honorary and supporting members are exempt from membership fees. CHAPTER IV
SOCIETY AUTHORITIES 1. The authorities of the Society are:
a) the General Assembly of Members,
b) Management Board,
c) Audit Committee. 2. The term of office of all elected authorities of the Society lasts five years, and their election takes place in an open or secret ballot. The General Meeting of Members decides on the form of voting. 3. Resolutions of all authorities of the Society are adopted by a simple majority of votes, unless further provisions of the statute provide otherwise. 4. The General Assembly of Members is the highest authority of the Society The following persons participate in the General Meeting of Members:
a) with a casting vote – ordinary members,
b) with an advisory vote – supporting members, honorary members and invited guests.
5. The General Meeting of Members may be ordinary and extraordinary. 6. The Ordinary General Assembly of Members is convened once a year by the Management Board of the Society. The date and place of the meeting are announced by the Management Board to all members at least 30 days before the date of the meeting. 7. The Extraordinary General Meeting of Members may be held at any time and may be held by videoconference. It is convened by the Management Board on its own initiative, at the request of the Audit Committee or a written request of at least 1/3 of the total number of ordinary members of the Society 8. Resolutions of the General Assembly of the Society are adopted by a simple majority of votes. Voting is public.
9. The powers of the General Meeting include:
a) defining the main directions of theSociety’s activities and development,
b) adopting amendments to the statute,
c) election and dismissal of all authorities of the Society,
d) granting discharge to the Management Board at the request of the Audit Committee,
e) consideration and approval of reports on the activities of the Management Board and the Audit Committee,
f) adopting the budget,
g) adopting the amount of membership fees and all other benefits for the Society,
h) adopting resolutions on accepting an honorary member,
i) consideration of applications and postulates submitted by members of the Society or its authorities,
j) consideration of appeals against resolutions of the Management Board,
k) adopting resolutions on the dissolution of the Society and the allocation of its assets,
l) adopting resolutions on other matters brought to the agenda of the General Meeting. 10. The Management Board is elected to manage all activities of the Society in accordance with the resolutions of the General Meeting of Members, and represents the Society outside. 11. The Management Board consists of 5 to 7 persons, including the president and two vice-presidents. The President and Vice-Presidents are elected by the Management Board from among its members. 12. Meetings of the Management Board are held as needed, but not less frequently than once a year. Meetings of the Management Board are convened by the President or another member of the Management Board authorized by him. 13. The Management Board divides the activities among its members in matters that do not require team action. 14. Members of the Management Board may not be convicted by a final judgment for an intentional crime prosecuted by public indictment or a fiscal crime. 15. The competences of the Management Board include:
a) implementation of the Society’s goals,
b) execution of resolutions of the General Meeting of Members,
c) preparation of work plans and budgets,
d) managing the assets of the Society,
e) adopting resolutions on the purchase, sale or encumbrance of the Society’s assets,
f) representing the Society outside,
g) convening the General Meeting of Members,
h) accepting and deleting members. 16. The Audit Committee is appointed to exercise control over the activities of the Society. 17. The Audit Committee consists of 3 to 5 people, including the chairman.
18. The competences of the Audit Committee include:
a) controlling the activities of the Management Board,
b) submitting conclusions from the inspection at the General Meeting of Members,
c) the right to submit a request to convene a General Meeting of Members and a meeting of the Management Board,
d) submitting applications for discharge to the authorities of the Society,
e) submitting reports on its activities at the General Meeting of Members. 19. Members of the Audit Committee:
– cannot be members of the Management Board 20. In the event that the composition of the Society’s authorities is reduced during the term of office, their composition is supplemented by a resolution of the Extraordinary or Ordinary Members’ Meeting, as a result of elections. CHAPTER V
ASSETS AND FUNDS 1. The assets of the Society are created:
a) from membership fees,
b) donations, inheritances, bequests,
c) subsidies and public donations. 2. The Society conducts financial management in accordance with applicable regulations. 3. Decisions on the purchase, sale and encumbrance of the Society’s assets are made by the Management Board.
4. To conclude contracts, grant powers of attorney and make other declarations of will, in particular in property matters, the signature of the president or two members of the Management Board is required. 5. It is forbidden to:
a) granting loans or securing liabilities with the property of the Society in relation to its members, members of authorities or employees and persons with whom members, members of authorities and employees of the Society are married, in cohabitation or in a relationship of consanguinity or affinity in a direct line, consanguinity or affinity in the collateral line up to the second degree or are related by virtue of adoption, custody or guardianship, hereinafter referred to as “relatives”,
b) transfer their property to their members, members of authorities or employees and their relatives, on terms other than in relation to third parties, in particular if the transfer is free of charge or on preferential terms,
c) use the assets for the benefit of members, members of authorities or employees and their relatives on terms other than in relation to third parties, unless this use results directly from the statutory purpose,
d) purchase of goods or services from entities in which members of the Society, members of its authorities or employees and their relatives participate, on terms other than in relation to third parties or at prices higher than market prices. CHAPTER VI
FINAL PROVISIONS 1. Any amendment to the Statute requires a resolution of the General Meeting of Members. A resolution on amending the statute is adopted by a simple majority of votes. 2. The resolution on the dissolution of the Society is adopted by the General Assembly of Members by a qualified majority of 2/3 of votes, in the presence of at least half of those entitled to vote. 3. By adopting a resolution on the dissolution of the Society, the General Meeting of Members determines the manner of its liquidation and the allocation of the Society’s assets.
4. In matters not regulated in this statute, the provisions of the Law on Society shall apply.